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Les informamos que el próximo miércoles 11, jueves 12 y viernes 13 de diciembre se brindarán, en el Salón Meridiano, tres charlas en el marco de los Seminarios de la FCAG. A continuación, les dejamos información sobre las mismas y los datos de conexión para aquellos que no puedan acercarse al Salón Meridiano.

  • 1)-Miércoles – 13h – Seminario FCAG “Galaxy Evolution in Dense Environments: Physical and Morphological Properties”, a cargo de la Dra. Ciria Lima Dias (Universidad de La Serena, Chile), profesora invitada por la Dra. Analía Smith Castelli.

    Resumen: Galaxy clusters are ideal laboratories for studying galaxy evolution in dense environments, and current multiwavelength surveys allow us to observe changes in the colors and morphology of galaxies across different filters. In this work, we utilize data from the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS), which includes 12 filters in the visible range of the spectrum, to analyze galaxies as a whole and to perform bulge-disc decomposition. Studying the distinct components of a cluster galaxy separately is crucial, as these components are influenced by the environment in different ways. We investigate the behavior of structural (Sérsic index and effective radius) and physical (stellar mass and star formation rate) properties of the galaxies and correlate them with the environment (clustercentric distance, local density, and substructure). As a result, we found that the star-forming galaxies in the Hydra cluster have bluer bulges compared to their discs, indicating that the environment is quenching these galaxies from the outside in.

    Datos de conexión:
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    ID de reunión: 896 4268 7970
    Código de acceso: 526656
  • 2)-Jueves – 13h – Seminario FCAG “El rol de la Meteorología en la Fuerza Aérea Argentina”, a cargo del Mayor Mauricio Nicolás Laurizi (FAA).

    Resumen: El mayor Mauricio Nicolás Laurizi, integrante del Departamento Meteorología de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina, dará una exposición referente al rol de la Meteorología en la Fuerza  y la relevancia que adquiere el componente meteorológico como parte fundamental en el proceso de Toma de Decisiones; en el ámbito del planeamiento táctico y operacional. En este sentido, el meteorólogo de la Fuerza Aérea, apoyado en sus conocimientos y experiencia, es quien emite su opinión profesional para el cabal cumplimiento de objetivos de la Conducción Superior.

    Datos de conexión:
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    ID de reunión: 896 4268 7970
    Código de acceso: 526656
  • 3)-Viernes – 13h – Seminario FCAG “Galaxy evolution in compact groups”, a cargo de la Dra. Gissel Pardo Montaguth (IAG – Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil), profesora invitada por la Dra. Analía Smith Castelli.

    Resumen: Compact groups (CGs) provide a valuable opportunity to study how galaxy interactions influence physical and structural parameters due to their high density and low-velocity dispersion. We investigated a sample of 340 CGs, including 1,092 galaxies, and compared it with a control group of 2,300 field galaxies to explore these effects. Our analysis of the Effective Radius–Sérsic Index (Re-n) plane revealed a bimodal distribution among transitioning galaxies in CGs. We define the transition galaxies as those with redder colors (u-r > 2.3) and Sérsic indices (n < 2.5). This suggests the presence of a distinct population of smaller, more compact galaxies in CGs, a population that is absent in the control sample. This observation indicates that galaxies in CGs may undergo significant morphological changes. Around 27% of the CGs are part of larger groups, which we classify as non-isolated CGs. Transition galaxies in isolated CGs are more likely to cluster in a denser region of the Re–n plane when n < 1.75. In contrast, transition galaxies in non-isolated CGs show a more gradual increase in n values, indicating that these galaxies have experienced morphological transformations and are the main contributors to the distribution of more compact galaxies in the Re–n plane among all transition galaxies in CGs. Moreover, galaxies in non-isolated CGs display lower specific star formation rates and a higher proportion of quenched galaxies compared to their isolated counterparts.  Furthermore, a spatially resolved analysis was performed using integral field spectroscopy (IFS) data to study both ionized gas and stellar components in 549 galaxies in CGs and 1,098 field galaxies. Galaxies in CGs tend to have older stellar populations, although star-forming galaxies show similar ΣSFR profiles to those in the field. However, galaxies with nuclear activity in CGs exhibit higher ΣSFR values and flatter slopes. No significant differences were found in the metallicity gradients between CG and field galaxies. In summary, we highlight the critical role of the environment in the evolution of galaxies in CGs, emphasizing how dense environments and interactions accelerate morphological transformation and the quenching process.

    Datos de conexión:
    Unirse a la reunión zoom:
    ID de reunión: 896 4268 7970
    Código de acceso: 526656

    A fin de reducir el uso de residuos plásticos, les solicitamos que se acerquen con sus propias tazas para el café. Aunque este seminario será en formato híbrido, esperamos contar con su presencia.
