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Graduate degree courses




The Graduate Degree Course in Astronomy lasts five years and includes between thirty and thirty-five subjects, depending on the optional subjects chosen. Students undergo three years' basic training in Mathematics and Physics and also take some subjects like General Astronomy and Spherical Astronomy. Once students are in fourth year, all the subjects are optional and vary according to the selected specialisation. The subjects Seminar and Specialisation Practice are the last ones. Astronomy is a time-demanding course. All the required textbooks are available at FCAG Library.

Astronomy course syllabus





Geophysics deals with the physical processes and phenomena occurring in the Earth and its vicinity. This science allows us to understand how the planet functions nowadays and how it did in a remote past. Geophysics studies all the processes and structures located from the Earth's core to the external magnetospheric boundary. For geophysicists, our planet turns into the first laboratory where observations are made and scientific theories are applied.
The Graduate Degree Course in Geophysics lasts five years and includes thirty-four subjects. Until halfway through the fourth year, students undergo basic training in Mathematics, Physics and Geology. Afterwards, they attend a seminar, take specialisation subjects like Geomagnetism, Seismology, Geodesy, Gravimetry, Instrumentation, Prospecting Methods, Meteorology, and write a thesis.
Students participate in research projects, fieldwork and modern equipment operation, too. They also learn about the use of techniques and application tools for their careers (computing technology, electronic instruments, English, among others).

Career scope

Geophysicists are in rising demand. Their career scope is wide and includes research and teaching in universities, national and international institutes, and companies, such as oil companies, water companies and consultancy firms. Nowadays, there are excellent job prospects for these professionals.

Research and teaching areas at FCAG
Research and teaching areas are organised into departments that specialise in different aspects of Geophysics:

  • Geomagnetism researches the origin, history and development of the Earth's magnetic field.
    Gravimetry deals with measurements aimed at determining the Earth's gravitational field, explaining its variations.
    Seismology studies our planet's internal structure through seismic wave recording and analysis.
    Applied Geophysics develops practical applications of the knowledge obtained in other areas of Geophysics.

Geophysics course syllabus

Do not hesitate to contact us to talk and/or dispel any doubts about the degree course you are interested in and its career prospects. Our teaching staff will be pleased to help you.


Actualizado el 23/09/2016